It may be summer break, but that doesn’t mean the learning stops!
Perry Public Schools is offering a summer school program, “Maroon Summer Reading Academy,” to elementary students this June. The school district is able to provide this program with Reading Sufficiency Act (RSA) funds.
Students and teaching staff have been identified and summer school will run from 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Monday through Thursday, beginning June 7 and will conclude on July 1. This program is a great opportunity for students, grades K-5th, needing a little extra reading curriculum and instruction to ensure they are reading at grade level and prepare them for the next school year.
As an additional resource and incentive to the students attending summer school, the Noble County Family YMCA has partnered with Perry Public Schools to provide afternoon programming at the lower elementary school gym.
The YMCA is excited to offer youth development programming this summer as a part of the Oklahoma State Department of Education’s (OSDE) Ready Together Oklahoma Initiative. Funding from the OSDE will enable the Y to expand existing program efforts, increase financial assistance opportunities, and offer enhanced program enrichment opportunities for kids. Summer programs will address the social-emotional, academic, and health impacts of COVID-19 on students.
Students attending PPS summer school have the option to enroll in the “Y Summer Academy” and stay at the elementary school to reinforce their learning from the morning and experience more hands-on enrichment activities throughout the afternoon. The program is designed to help students gain academic skills, strengthen their literacy and math skills, and stay on track.
“We are really looking forward to this collaboration with the YMCA this summer,” says Dr. Terry McCarty, Perry Public Schools Superintendent, “we hope this will provide a positive impact for our students and set them up for success in the classroom this fall.”
The Y Academy also begins in conjunction with PPS summer school on June 7 and will be held Monday through Thursday from 11:30 a.m. to 5 p.m and all-day on Fridays 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. until July 1. Interested students should contact the YMCA for enrollment instructions.
“This partnership allows us to offer programs to youth in our community who otherwise may not have access to educationally enriching activities,” says Shea Boschee, CEO of the Noble County Family YMCA.
The Perry Public Schools’ nutrition department will provide a free snack and drink to students each morning, and the YMCA will provide lunch at the school. Additionally, the YMCA will also continue operating summer meal sites, which provides no-cost meals to anyone in the community under the age of 18. Community members can pick up free meals Monday through Friday between 12 p.m. - 1 p.m. at the YMCA Annex parking lot.
For more information on the Y Academy or to enroll your student, please contact the Noble County Family YMCA at 580-336-4411.