Welcome Back, Maroon Families!

The 2022-2023 school year has started and we are looking forward to another great year! We are ready to provide an exceptional learning experience for all students.

Over the summer, we were able to hire 19 outstanding new employees and made some staffing changes to benefit our school district and culture. We have an incredible team across the board and I am extremely confident knowing everyone is working hard to make an impact and contribute to our overall success. 

We kicked off the year with two professional development days on Monday and Tuesday. And, the first day of school was a huge success. There are numerous people that play a part in the day-to-day operations of Perry Schools and to those people, I say, "thank you!"

I’d also like to extend a note of thanks to local businesses and organizations for the meals and gifts provided to all school employees this week. We are privileged to be a part of a community that supports their schools the way this community does! Thank you!

With the start of a new school year, I am happy to provide an update on our strategic planning process. The committee met during the summer to finalize details and discuss future plans. We are excited to announce the Perry Public Schools vision, mission and core values determined by the strategic planning committee, with input from the community via surveys and conversations. 

The future of America is being determined here.
Perry Public Schools: Committed to inspiring dreams and elevating achievement.
The values that Perry Public Schools are committed to upholding are: 
Integrity. Passion. Respect. Together.

The committee work is ongoing, as this is a five-year plan. Some of the action items to improve our school district have already been implemented with more to come in the future. You can visit the following link to find additional details about our strategic plan: www.perry.k12.ok.us/apps/pages/strategicplanning

As I enter my sixth school year as the superintendent of Perry Public Schools, I continue to be impressed by this incredible community. I am proud of what we’ve accomplished together and the positive direction we are headed. 

As always, thanks for your continued support and Go Maroons! 

Terry McCarty, Ed.D.
Perry Public Schools