JH Academic Team Advances to Regionals

The Perry Junior High School academic team had an outstanding performance at the district competition at Harrah Middle School on Wednesday, January 11. They won two out of three matches. The match they lost was only by one question.

"I am proud of the sportsmanship, respect, and politeness our students showed. They represented Perry Junior High well,” commented Mrs. Shanna Sweet, sponsor for the elementary and junior high academic teams.

They are competing in the Oklahoma Junior Academic Bowl Association (OJABA) in the 7th-8th grade division. Academic bowl is a question-and-answer competition between two teams of four players each. A game consists of four quarters: two 20-question tossup quarters (1st and 3rd quarters) and two 10-question 60-second quarters (2nd and 4th). Oklahoma public schools, private schools, and home-school co-ops are eligible to enter teams.

The junior high team will advance to the regional contest on February 18 in Bristow. The competition begins at 10 a.m. and is double elimination. The state tournament is April 22 at Dale High School.
In addition, the OJABA has a 5th-6th grade division that Perry Upper Elementary students will compete in. The 5th-6th grade academic team will travel to Dale Schools on January 21 for the regional academic bowl competition. 

Good luck, Maroons!