Dog Houses Built to Last

The Perry High School Residential Construction students in Mr. Zagar’s class have been working on three dog houses this semester to learn about different stages of residential construction. It’s not a real life-size house, but they learn how to draw plans on google sketch up, lay out a wall, build corners, insulate, rafters, decking, shingles, trim and paint. 

Students learned what type of wood to use for each part of the build. For example, they put treated lumber for the base since it will be sitting on ground. Job management was something students had to plan for so that there were no students standing around watching others work.

The dog houses are 4-feet by 3-feet and 44 inches tall and weigh around 250 pounds. They are also fully insulated.  

They could build one that’s not so heavy, but it would take away from the true representation of how a wall in a shed or house is built.  

These dog houses are for sale! The class has approximately $210 in materials in each one and would like to sell for $300 each as a fundraiser. Contact Mr. Jeff Zagar to claim one at [email protected].

dog houses 2023


dog house perry 2023
