Good afternoon,
We are monitoring the water situation at all Perry Schools sites. There is still little to no water across the school district and town. 
We’re communicating with the City of Perry and keeping up with the progress of this city-wide project. A combination of several issues are contributing to the overall problem, but they are actively working to resolve it.
The plan is to re-evaluate this evening at 6:00 p.m. and make another announcement regarding school tomorrow. 
I also wanted to pass along some athletic updates to be aware of:
Tonight’s PHS basketball games vs. Newkirk were originally supposed to be played here, but have been relocated to NOC Tonkawa gym. Varsity girls tip-off at 6:30pm (no JV). 
The wrestling dual and senior night (originally set to take place last night) has been rescheduled to tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan. 24 at 5pm in the MAC. 
Much discernment was considered to determine a date to fit in a home dual this season and properly honor our seniors. We understand families may have other obligations on Wednesday evenings and are being mindful of your time. To run the evening more efficiently, we’ll have two mats - one for the boys dual and one for the girls dual - to run simultaneously. 
Beginning at 5pm, the JH boys/girls will wrestle alongside each other, followed by Senior Night recognition, then the HS boys/girls will wrestle on both mats.
I know it’s been an unusual week, and month so far, between the weather and the water lines, but I want to thank you for your patience as we work through all of this. Hoping to get back on track soon!
Chad Wilson
Perry Public Schools
Update as of 12:45pm on 1/23/24.