Perry Schools announces Support Staff of the Year Honorees


Perry Public Schools recently announced their building level Support Staff Person of the Year honorees. Each of the four school sites voted on an individual from their staff to receive this award.


Employees named as the 2023-2024 Support Staff of the Year include:

  • Lower Elementary: Windy Marston, Paraprofessional
  • Upper Elementary: Krystal Nida, Custodian
  • Junior High: Angel Moore, Paraprofessional
  • High School: Kathi Coker, Custodian


These individuals will be celebrated and recognized during the PPS District Teacher of the Year award reception on Thursday, April 18 at 4 p.m. in the Perry Board of Education meeting room, located inside the former junior high building at 901 Elm Street.


A special congratulations to the four support staff members for being selected by their peers for this prestigious honor. Community members, colleagues, family and friends are invited to the award reception on April 18.


Learn more about each honoree in their biographies that follow. 



Lower Elementary Support Staff of the Year

Windy Marston

Windy Marston has been named the Perry Lower Elementary School Support Staff Person of the Year. She has been a Paraprofessional with Perry Public Schools for the past two and a half years. She says she couldn’t do her job without the support of Ms. Cindy, Pre-K Aide, and the wonderful staff at Perry Elementary. During school days, she enjoys playing a friendly game of “arresting” teachers and staff with her afternoon students to share a laugh and a smile with everyone. She is married to Jared and they have two boys Rueban and Kutter, who are both students at Perry Schools. Outside of school, Windy loves to spend time with her family. 


Upper Elementary Support Staff of the Year

Krystal Nida

Krystal Nida has been at Perry Upper Elementary School as a custodian for 15 years. Her twin sister Karen Nida is a 3rd grade teacher at Perry Upper Elementary. She has two nieces, Adyson and Madalye, and a nephew, Nolan who attend Perry Public Schools. After college, she moved back home and began substituting at Perry Schools. While substituting she began her career as a custodian. She says, “I love the atmosphere and working around kids everyday. They’re the reason I love coming to work and I am so thankful to be a part of Perry Public Schools.”


Junior High Support Staff of the Year

Angel Moore

Angel Moore is a 1986 PHS alum with a B.S. from OSU in business. After moving back to Perry in 2008 with her twin sons, Austin and Anthony who graduated from Perry in 2012, she subbed in several of their classes much to their dismay. She was also their Sunday School teacher and Youth Director so there was no escaping mom. Angel started working full time at the old junior high five years ago and then moved over to the high school for three years, now she’s currently at the new junior high school and is loving it. She works as the cashier in the cafeteria for breakfast daily. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Angel assists Ms. Kelly with Speech, Reading, Hygiene, and Sign Language. She has also assisted with student STAR testing. Angel expressed, "It has been a pleasure working alongside some amazing teachers, and staff and we have the "best coaches" at the junior high! I am truly humbled by this honor." 


High School Support Staff of the Year

Kathi Coker

Kathi Coker is a first floor custodian at Perry High School.  Kathi started working for Perry Public Schools in October of 2010 with Dennis Maine as Maintenance Director. She takes pride in going above and beyond her custodial duties to help out anyone who needs it.  She has two sons, Tyson and Brance, both graduates of Perry High School. In her free time, Kathi enjoys anything outdoors and attending high school and BMAC baseball games. Kathi shared that she would like to thank everyone for supporting her.
