From Perry Football Coach Travis Cole:

SUMMER PRIDE - All students entering 6th-12th grade are welcome and don’t have to be in athletics. The first official day of Summer Pride is June 17, 2024.

It goes Monday thru Thursday. There is no Summer Pride June 29-July 7 during OSSAA dead week.

Summer Pride takes place at Daniels Field football stadium/weight room. The following times and groups are not limited to specific gender or age group, but that will primarily be the group working out at those times. 

  • 7- 9 am: High School males
  • 9:30-11 am: JH males/females
  • 6pm: HS/JH females
Again, it will begin June 17, running Monday-Thursday. Students don’t have to be in athletics to attend. Times/groups are not limited to specifics, just a suggestion for primary groups. Come when you can!
Wear athletic clothes, tennis shoes, and bring a drink.