110 Perry students attended the first-ever STEM camp last week, June 11-13. 
This STEM Camp was hosted by Perry Elementary School, in partnership with the OSU College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT). Camp costs were generously covered by a STEM grant received from the Malzahn Family Affiliated Fund, allowing campers to attend for free. The camp was exclusively offered to only Perry Public Schools students, grades K-5th.
OSU CEAT students were instructors for the camp. During camp, participants learned engineering design principles with interactive and fun hands-on STEM activities. Their activities focused on engineering, architecture, and robotics. 
Each camper received a t-shirt and got to take home the projects they designed and built during camp. 
On the final day of camp, parents were invited to attend STEM camp “graduation” as each student was presented a certificate. The certificate entitled them to a $50 award eligibility scholarship to be applied toward their college tuition if they choose to attend OSU CEAT college in the future. 
Several local businesses lended a helping hand by providing bottled water and snacks to keep the students fueled during the three-day camp. Contributing businesses were Ditch Witch Giving, Exchange Bank, First Bank & Trust, and Seth Wadley of Perry. 
Perry Schools STEM Coordinator, Amanda Wilson, commented, “We were blown away by the response to this offering of STEM camp. The adoption of the new STEM program to our elementary sites has been beyond successful. We are immensely grateful to the Malzahn Family Affiliated Fund. The opportunities we have been able to provide our students, including STEM camp, have been truly amazing and our students are responding in the most incredible ways. Now that we have seen the success of this camp, I hope that it can be offered annually for our students.
STEM camp perry
Perry STEM camp 2024 oklahoma
STEM camp perry, ok
Perry/OSU STEM camp