District Policies
Perry School District Number I-1
Noble County, Oklahoma
Perry School District Number I-1
Noble County, Oklahoma
Individual Board Policies by Name
District Policies - Section A - School District
District Policies - Section B - School Board Operations
- BA - Board of Education Legal Status
- BAA - Board of Education Powers and Duties
- BAAB - Nepotism
- BBA - Board Membership Qualifications
- BBB - School Board Members Term of Office
- BBB-P - Filling Board Vacancies (Procedure)
- BBB-E2 - Board of Education Oath of Office
- BBF - Code of Ethics for Board Members
- BBFB - Board Member Conflict of Interest
- BBH - Development Opportunities, Board Members
- BD - School Board Internal Organization
- BD-R1 - Board of Education-Clerk, Regulation
- BD-R2 - Board of Education-Minutes Clerk, Regulation
- BDD - Board of Education Attorney
- BDE - Consultant Services for the Board of Education
- BDF - Advisory Committees
- BE - Board of Education Meetings, Notifications
- BEA - School Board Meetings Agenda Preparation and Dissemination
- BEB - Quorum, Board Meeting Procedure
- BEBA - Board Voting
- BEC - Executive Sessions
- BED - Board of Education Meetings, Public Participation
- BED-E - Request to Address Board of Education
- BEF - Board of Education, Minutes
- BF - Administration in Absence of Policy
- BFA - Board Policies
- BJ - Board of Education Executive Officer-Superintendent
- BJB - Separation/Recruitment of Superintendent
- BJCA - Term of Office and Salary of Superintendent
- BJCD - Evaluation of the Superintendent
- BJCD-R - Superintendent Evaluation Form
- BK - Line in Staff Relations
- BKBB - School Social Media Accounts
- BKBC - School District Approved Social Media Accounts
- BPCAB - Handbooks
District Policies - Section C - Business & Support Services
- CBB - Forbidding the Supplanting of Federal Funds
- CBBA -Grant Policies and Procedures
- CDA - Management and Investment of Funds
- CDC - Public Gifts/Donations to the Schools
- CE - Annual Budget
- CEB - Annual Statistical/Financial Reports
- CFA - School Finance
- CFB - Activity Funds
- CFB-R1 - Activity Funds, Regulation
- CFB-R4 - Exempt Food Fundraisers
- CFBB - Sanctioning of Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs
- CFBB-P - Sanctioning of Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs Procedures
- CFBB-E - Application for Sanctioning of Parent Organizations, Booster Clubs
- CFB-E2 - School Organization Fundraiser Form
- CFC - Auditor
- CHA - Purchasing and Distribution
- CHA-P3 - Purchasing and Procedures Guide
- CHAF - Lease-Purchase Agreements, Rental of Real or Personal Property or Equipment
- CHC - Bids and Quotations
- CHD - School Credit Cards
- CHEA - Suspension and Debarment Compliance
- CI - Disposal of Surplus School Property
- CIA - Disposal of Real Property
- CK - Healthy and Fit School Advisory Committee/Safe School Committee
- CKAB - Staff Safety, Intruders on School Premises
- CKAC - Emergency Plans
- CKAC-P1 - Emergency Notification Procedure
- CKAC-P2 - Severe Thunderstorms and Tornado Procedures
- CKAC-P3 - Severe Winter Weather Procedures
- CKAE - Use of Contraband Detection Dogs on Campus
- CKAE-R - Use of Contraband Detection Dogs on Campus
- CKAF - Use of Metal Detectors
- CKAH - Use of Automatic External Defibrillator
- CKAH-P - Sudden Cardiac Arrest Emergency Response Plan
- CKC - Safety and Bus Emergency Evacuation Drills
- CKC-R1 - Fire Drills, Rules and Procedures
- CKDA - Tobacco/Smoke-Free Campus
- CKE - Hazardous Materials
- CKE-R - Hazardous Materials, Regulation
- CKEA - Hazard Communication
- CKEA-R - Hazardous Materials, Regulation
- CKGA - Sex Offenders Registration Act
- CKGA-E - Sex Offenders Registration Act, Form
- CL - Buildings, Equipment, and Grounds
- CLB - Equipment Accountability
- CLBD - Video Surveillance on School Grounds and Property
- CMAB - Textbooks and Educational Materials: Distribution and Care of
- CN - School Transportation
- CN-R1 - Requirements to Drive a Perry Public Schools Vehicle
- CN-R2 - Transportation Guidelines
- CO - Child Nutrition Program
- CO-R - Child Nutrition Programs, Regulation
- COA - Wellness Policy
- COA-E - School Organization Fundraiser Approval
- COB - Food Procurement
- COC - Meal Payments for Students and Adults
- CRE - Workers' Compensation Insurance
- CSA - Planning for the Provision of New Facilities or Repair to Existing Facilities
- CVCD - Disability Accommodations
- CVFA - Fair Labor Standards Act
- CW - Naming Schools & Facilities
- CWB - Death of a Student of Staff Member
- CW-E - Pledge Agreement for Naming Opportunity
District Policies - Section D - Personnel
- DA - Discrimination, Harassment & Retaliation
- DA-R1 - Grievance Procedure for Filing, Processing and Resolving Complaints Alleging Discrimination, Harassment and Retaliation
- DA-E - Discrimination Grievance Complaint Form
- DAA - Nondiscrimination
- DABB - Records Investigation
- DABB-E1 - General Record Check Authorization and Release
- DABB-E2 - Record Check Authorization and Release for Applicants
- DABB-E3 - Record Check Authorization and Release for Current Employees
- DABC - Arrests or Criminal Charges of Employees or Persons Providing Services to the School District
- DABD - Service of Legal papers on School Grounds During School Hours
- DB - Teachers, Duties and Responsibilities
- DBA - Teacher Assistants
- DBC - Employee Ethics
- DBCA - Standards of Performance and Conduct for Teachers
- DBD - Conflicts of Interest
- DBH - Accommodations for Lactating Employees
- DC - Employment Practices
- DCBB - Advertising and Posting Vacancies
- DCC - Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace
- DCC-R - Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace Regulation
- DCC-E2 -Drug and Alcohol Program Consent/Release Form
- DCCB - Advertising and Posting Vacancies
- DCCB-R - Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, Bus Driver, Regulation
- DCCB-E - General Consent for Limited Queries of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Drug and Alcohol Clearinghouse
- DDA - Certified Employee Contracts
- DDC - Employee Resignations & Employment References
- DE - Salary Schedules
- DEAB - Employee Benefits
- DEBA - Personnel Vacations
- DEC - Personnel Leave Program
- DEC-R1 - Sick Leave, Regulation
- DEC-R3 - Personal Leave, Regulation
- DEC-R5 - Jury Duty Service and Witness Leave, Regulation
- DEC-R6 - Military Leave, Regulation
- DEC-R7 - Leave of Absence, Regulation
- DEC-R8 - Bereavement Leave, Regulation
- DEC-R9 - Support Employee Epidemic Leave Regulation
- DEC-R10
- DECA - Family Medical Leave
- DECA-E1 - Employer Response to Employee Request for Family or Medical Leave
- DECA-E2 - Application for Family or Medical Leave
- DECA-E6 - Application for FMLA Intermittent Leave or Leave on a Reduced Schedule
- DECA-E7 - Certification of Healthcare Provider, (Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993)
- DECA-E8 - Notice of Intention to Return from Leave
- DECA-E9 - Statement of Health Care Provider
- DEEC - Student Activities, Expense Reimbursement
- DEE - Expense Reimbursement
- DEF - Unused Sick Leave, Retirement Program
- DEFA - Leave Sharing Plan
- DGBA - Employee Grievances
- DGBA-R - Employee Grievances, Regulation
- DGBA-E1 - Grievance Report
- DHAC - School Personnel Digital & Electronic Communications with Students
- DIAF - Hygiene and Sanitation, Bloodborne Pathogens
- DK - Assignment of Teachers
- DKA - Teacher Transfers
- DLA - Out-of-the-Classroom and Extra Duty, Certified Personnel
- DLD - Planning Periods
- DMB - Professional Growth and Development
- DMB-R1 - Professional Growth and Development (Regulation)
- DMB-R4 - Professional Development Certification Reimbursement Program
- DNA - Teacher Evaluation
- DNAA - Evaluation of Administrative Personnel
- DNAB - Support Staff Evaluation
- DNB - Personnel Files, Certified Staff
- DO - Suspension, Dismissal and Non Reemployment of Teachers
- DOAC - Support Personnel Suspension, Demotion, Termination, or Non Reemployment
- DOB - Due Process for Administrators
- DOCA - Reduction-In-Force, Certified Personnel
- DOCB - Reduction-In-Force, Support Personnel
- DPA - Teacher Qualifications
- DPB - Substitute Teachers
- DPD - Adjunct Teachers
District Policies - Section E - Instruction
- EB - School Calendar
- EBA - Length of School Year
- EEI - School Volunteers
- EEI-E2 - Volunteer Application Form
- EEP - Curricula/Lesson Plans
- EFA - School Library Media Center
- EFA-R1 - School Library Media Center, Selection of Materials, Regulation
- EFA-R2 - Use of School Library Media Center, Regulation
- EFA-E1 - Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials
- EFA-E2 - Report for Reconsideration of Media Center Materials
- EFBCA - Internet and Other Networks Acceptable Use and Internet Safety
- EFBCA-R3 - Parent/Guardian and Student Portal Use
- EFBCC - District Websites
- EFD - Field Trips and Excursions
- EFEA - Using Copyrighted Material
- EFEA-R - Using Copyrighted Material, Regulation
- EFEA-E2 - Permission for Release of Copyrighted Materials
- EFEAA - Artificial Intelligence Systems and Tools Use In The School District
- EGAA - Curriculum Development
- EGG - Prohibition on Race and Sex Discrimination in Curriculum and Complaint Process
- EGG-E - Prohibition on Race and Sex Discrimination on Curriculum and Instruction Complaint Form
- EHA - Basic Instructional Program
- EHA-R3 - Child Identification, Location, Screening, and Evaluation Notice to Parents
- EHAG - Career Programs
- EHAH - Sex Education
- EHAI - HIV/AIDS Prevention Education for Students
- EHAK - Physical Education
- EHBB - Gifted Child Educational Program
- EHBC - Special Education
- EHBC-R4 - Special Education Services for Children Enrolled in Private School
- EHBDB - Title I Parent Involvement
- EHBDBA-E - Parental Notification
- EHBDBA - Parent/Guardian Participation in the School District
- EHBE - Limited English Proficiency Instruction
- EHBG - Early Childhood Education Program
- EHBH - Alternative Education
- EHDD - College Coursework, Student
- EHDD-R - Concurrent Enrollment, Student, Regulation
- EHDF - Online Instruction
- EHDF-E - Virtual School Application and Contract
- EIA - Promotion and Retention
- EIA-R1 - Grading
- EIA-R4 - Student Promotion and Retention (Regulation)
- EIAE - Proficiency Based Promotion
- EIB - Homework
- EIC - High School Valedictorian and Salutatorian
- EIEC - Released Time Courses
- EIED - Graduation Requirements
- EIEDC - Early Graduation
- EIEDF - Individual Career & Academic Plan - ICAP
- EJ - School Counselor
- EJB - Suicide & Awareness & Training
- EJF - Mental Health Crisis Protocol
- EK - Testing Program
- EKBA - Reading Sufficiency Testing
- EK-R1 - Testing Program Student Surveys Regulation
- EK-R2 - ASVAB Testing & Student Access to Military Recruiters
- EKBB - Dyslexia & Dysgraphia Awareness Program
- EMDA - Military Recognition
- EMDB - Flags
- EMG - Animals in School
- EMG-E1 - Notification of Use of a Service Animal
- EMI - Moment of Silence
- EMIB - The School and Religion
District Policies - Section F - Students
- FD - Student Residency
- FD-E - Student Residency Affidavits
- FDA - Enrollment Requirements
- FDAA - Enrollment
- FDAC - Foster Care Plan
- FDAD - Placement of Students who have been in a Nonaccredited School or Homeschool Program
- FDAH - Education of Migratory Children
- FDC - Student Attendance
- FDC-R1 - Student Attendance, Regulation
- FDC-P - Medical Exemption Review Committee Process for Eligible Exemptions and Documentation for Decision
- FDF - Leaving School Grounds, Closed Campus
- FE - Student Transfers
- FE-E1 - Student Transfer Application Form
- FEG - Student Transfers for Children of Active Duty Military Members
- FEXX - Withdrawal from School
- FFA - Student Health
- FFAA - Contagious Diseases and Head Lice
- FFAA-E1 - School Health Guidelines for Contagious Diseases and Head Lice
- FFAAA - Communicable Diseases and HIV/AIDS Prevention, Exposure, Education and Confidentiality
- FFAAC - Pandemic/Epidemic Emergencies and Communicable Disease Protocol
- FFAB - Student Immunizations
- FFAB-R - Immunization Exemptions, Regulation
- FFAC - Administering First Aid to Students
- FFAC-E3 - Student Accident Report Form
- FFAC-E4 - Student Health Information Form
- FFACA - Administering Medications to Students
- FFACAA - Emergency Stock Inhaler
- FFACA-R - Administering Medication to Students, Regulation
- FFACA-P - Student Health Plans
- FFACA-E1 - Medication Authorization Form
- FFACA-E2 - Parent/Guardian Consent & Waiver for Administration of Epinephrine Injection
- FFACC - Seizure Safe Schools
- FFACD - Medical Marijuana
- FFACDA - Administration of Opiate Antagonists
- FFAD - Bed Bugs
- FFAEA - Concussions and Head Injuries, Student-Athletes
- FFAEA-E1 - Concussions and Head Injuries Information Sheet and Acknowledgement Form
- FFAEA-E2 - Medical Clearance to Return to Athletic Participation, Post Concussion
- FFB - Teaching About Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco
- FFD - Accident Insurance, Students
- FFF - Student Safety Identification Cards
- FFFD - Student Vehicle Use and Parking
- FFG - Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect, Exploitation and Trafficking
- FFG-E - Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect Report
- FFGA - Custodial and Noncustodial Parental Rights
- FFGB - Guidelines for Outside Agency Representatives Interviewing Children at the School
- FJ - Fundraising by In-School Organizations
- FJ-E - Fundraiser Request Form
- FL - Students Records
- FL-R - Compliance with Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Regulation
- FL-E18 - Notice of Rights Under FERPA & Notice for Directory Information
- FLE - Transfer and Release of Confidential Information
- FLE-E1 - Permission for the Transfer and/or Release of Confidential Student Information
- FLF - Information Coordinator
- FM - Students Activities, Scholastic Eligibility
- FMA - Extracurricular and Off-Campus Student Activities
- FMAAA - Extracurricular Activities Emergency Medical Services
- FMC - Student Org: School-Sponsored Student Org/School-Independent Student-Organized Groups
- FME - Student Publications
- FNCC - Hazing
- FNCD - Bullying of Students
- FNCD-P - Prohibiting Bullying, Investigative Procedures
- FNCD-R - Prohibiting Bullying, Regulation
- FNCD-E - Student Incident Report Form
- FNCE - Reporting Students Under the Influence of or Possessing Alcoholic Beverages or Controlled Dangerous Substances
- FNCF - Drug-Free Schools
- FNCFB - Activity Student Drug Testing Policy
- FNCFB-E1 - Activity Student Drug Testing Consent Form
- FNCFD - Student Drug Testing Program Extracurricular Activities
- FNF - Search of Students
- FNG - Wireless Telecommunication Devices
- FNCGA - Weapons-Free Schools
- FO - Student Discipline
- FO-R5 - Restraints and Seclusion
- FOD - Suspension and Other Discipline of Students
- FOD-R - Suspension of Students, Regulation
- FOD-E1 - Notice to Parents/Guardians Due Process
- FOD-E2 - Notice of Out-Of-School Suspension and Right to Suspension Conference
- FOD-E6 - Individualized Plan for Out-Of-School Suspension
- FOD-E16 - Waiver of Review or Appeal of the Out-of-School Suspension Decision
- FP - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges
District Policies - Section G - Community Relations
- GBA - Open Records Act
- GBA-E - Public Record Access Request Oklahoma Open Records Act
- GBA-R - Open Records Act, Regulations
- GBC - News Media Relations
- GF - Public Concerns and Complaints
- GF-E - Public Complaint Form
- GBCE - Athletic Events Broadcasting & Streaming Rights
- GIA - Use and Distribution of Information and Materials to Students by School Personnel
- GIC - Distribution of Written Materials in School Facilities
- GJ - School and Classroom Visitors
- GJ-P - School Visitors, Grievance/Appeals Process
- GJBA - Student Recruitment, Access to Students and Directory Information
- GK - Use of School Property
- GK-R1 - Use of School Property, Regulation
- GK-R8 - Use of School Facilities by Outside Service Providers
- GK-E1 - Request for Use of School Property
- GKA - Releasing Students to the Police
- GKA-E - Form & Signature of Arresting Officer
- GKAA - Law Enforcement and Body Cameras on School Premises
- GKF - Support Employee Epidemic Leave
- GVA -Relations with Education Research Agencies
- GVA-P - Research Proposals, Procedures, and Guidelines
- GVA-E - Research Study Request